
Gene's 10 Rules for Human Fulfillment

Rule 1.
Acknowledge your weaknesses, and hone your strengths. For your talents are both given, and also earned.

Rule 2.
Do not be discouraged by one another. Instead work hard, and push your limitations until you both reach the top.

Rule 3.
Stress is inevitable, you can either yield or adapt. Visualize your goals and dreams, then stress will only become an obstacle for success.

Rule 4.
Be a good person, not a hypocrite. For God would rather prefer a  kind atheist than a hypocritical church goer.

Rule 5.
Money is not everything, and wealth is earned. Just because a person has studied journalism does not mean that he will earn less than an engineer. 

Rule 6.
Do what you love, and follow what you do. Acknowledge your skills and put them to the job that suits you. For someday, you might not have to work a day at all.

Rule 7.
Be true to thyself. One does not need to put on a mask in order to please other insecurities. Be proud and show the real you. For it is by personality, and heart that one is the most attractive.

Rule 8.
Love will come. Do not commit to a person whom you  believe to be the one. Instead, wait for the right one to come in God's timing.

Rule 9. Family comes first. Love your parents because you love them, not because they provided for you. Love your siblings because you love them, not because they are your siblings. Treasure and protect each other till the end.

Rule 10.  
Do not worry about the future or what will soon come. Instead, worry about today, cherish the past and do what you love. What you do now will be your future.
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