Who is Gene?

Hello, Everyone. Welcome! This website is a compilation of all of my past reviews, and write ups for when I have free time. Basically it's sort of my hobby. I like to write about things I've seen, experienced, and enjoyed. Also, this contains most of my academic outputs for Reading and Writing in school. So please; read, breathe, and indulge in my stories. So what do you say, shall we walk?

About the Author

Gene Daniel Floresca is currently an 11th grader studying at Muntinlupa Science Highschool in the Philippines. He started writing at the age of 8, with his write ups being published by Manila Bulletin in the kids section. Most of his write ups were reviews about books, movies, toys and the hobbies that he enjoys. As a young writer, Gene believes that everything can be learned, as long as you have the guts to try one for yourself, and practice until you master it.
As a person who is adept with writing, he also has a slight interest in Mathematics. Unfortunately, he has a long way to go before he masters that.
He also wishes to study medicine someday, then eventually become a Doctor.

"Sometimes i like to look back at my footprints, and mutter to myself; My gosh look how many footprints there are! and many many more to create." 
                                                                                            - Gene Floresca

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