The story of "Howl's Moving Castle "takes place in a world full of magic and a battle between two opposing factions. Our story begins with a young girl named Sophie, who works at her mothers hat shop. Until one day a witch came by and put a curse on her, turning young Sophie into an old hag. This marks her journey into the wastes where he met a scarecrow she called turnip head, then stumbled upon Howls Castle. There she met Calcifur, a fire demon which keeps the castle from collapsing and is Howls ultimate source of life. From there on she works as a cleaning lady, little did she know about Howls dark secret and that he secretly has deep feelings for her. This shall mark the beginning of Sophies tale as she journeys through the wastes inside Howls Castle where she'll encounter different kinds of problems, battles and at the same time learning the true meaning of Love.
Such an amazing story filled with romance, action and of course magic. It just goes to show the things you can do in order to protect people you love. I was moved by the creativity that was put into the movie. From the castle itself to the vegetation and the detail of the scenery. its a must watch for everybody and i'll never get tired of watching it over and over again.
photo (c)
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